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Greed Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In practice, it involved industrial espionage, much of it directed toward the InGen corporation. (2.12.7)

Even if Hammond succeeded in keeping his technology under control, other organizations would not be so careful. Biosyn (get it?) is even less scrupulous than InGen. Hammond's greed prevents him from seeing the full consequences of the technology he's helping to advance.

Quote #2

"Of course, if we could obtain examples of their dinosaurs, we could reverse engineer them and make our own, with enough modifications in the DNA to evade their patents." (2.12.38)

Greedy people cut corners to get what they want. Biosyn, InGen's main competitor, may be willing to steal its way to profits, but Hammond is equally willing to do what it takes to get what he wants. He's just as villainous.

Quote #3

"Oh balls," Hammond said. "Whose side are you on anyway?" (3.24.20)

Arnold tells Hammond that the park is inherently hazardous because of control issues with the animals, even though he's still a believer in the project. Characteristically, Hammond dismisses even this friendly criticism.