Kramer vs. Kramer Theme of Family

A family's a lot like a basketball team, even if they don't wear tank tops 24/7. Everybody has a role to perform; if you take one of those players out of the equation, everybody else on the court needs to pick up their slack in order to make the team function.

Kramer vs. Kramer raises some sticky questions about the role parents play in a family, as well as the role of gender in parenting. The film examines what it is that makes a family a family, and seems to come to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with the presence of two parents or tuna casseroles or birthday cards, and everything to do with just showing up.

Questions about Family

  1. Do you agree with the court's ruling?
  2. What roles are men and women expected to play in a family? Are those the only roles they can play?
  3. How does being a parent change Ted?
  4. How does taking a break from parenting change Joanna?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Ted's right: the #1 thing that makes someone a good parent is consistency.

The Kramers are a better family without Joanna.