Kramer vs. Kramer Scene 18 Summary

  • Ted and Billy make French toast. Callback: It goes much more smoothly this time. These guys are seasoned pros.
  • Billy pauses and gives Ted a long look. Ted holds his gaze. Ted picks up Billy, and Billy starts crying. Ted suggests they go set the table.
  • After breakfast, Ted and Billy sit in the living room. All of Billy's stuff is piled up and he's wearing a giant sweater. They must be waiting for Joanna to come get him.
  • The door buzzes. Ted picks up. Joanna wants him to meet her downstairs in the lobby, alone.
  • Ted meets Joanna; she's clearly been crying. Ted asks her what's wrong. She explains that she came there to take Billy home, but she realizes he already is home—with Ted. She's not going to take him.
  • Joanna wants to go up and see Billy. Ted says sure; he'll wait in the lobby. Joanna gets in the elevator.
  • Just before the elevator door closes, Joanna fixes her hair and asks Ted how she looks. Ted says she looks terrific. We'd say she looks all red and puffy because she's been crying and making huge, last minute, life-altering decisions, but that's just us.
  • Joanna looks pleasantly surprised by Ted's compliment. The door closes, and that's it. Cue the classical jamz.