Last of the Mohicans Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Twas like himself!" cried the inveterate forester, whose prejudices contributed so largely to veil his natural sense of justice in all matters which concerned the Mingoes; "a lying and deceitful varlet as he is. An honest Delaware now, being fairly vanquished, would have lain still, and been knocked on the head, but these knavish Maquas cling to life like so many cats-o'-the-mountain." (12.11)

Hawkeye is deeply prejudiced against Mingo Indians. Why does he not carry the same types of prejudices against Mohicans and Delawares? Is his prejudice based on personal experience?

Quote #5

While they yet hesitated in uncertainty, the form of the Indian was seen gliding out of the thicket. As the chief rejoined them, with one hand he attached the reeking scalp of the unfortunate young Frenchman to his girdle, and with the other he replaced the knife and tomahawk that had drunk his blood. He then took his wonted station, with the air of a man who believed he had done a deed of merit.

The scout dropped one end of his rifle to the earth, and leaning his hands on the other, he stood musing in profound silence. Then, shaking his head in a mournful manner, he muttered:

"'Twould have been a cruel and an unhuman act for a white-skin; but 'tis the gift and natur' of an Indian, and I suppose it should not be denied. I could wish, though, it had befallen an accursed Mingo, rather than that gay young boy from the old countries." (14.32-14.34)

Hawkeye is condoning an Indian action that he never would have accepted from a "white-skin." This also speaks to prejudice: he's saying that all Native Americans are capable of coolly doing "cruel" and "unhuman" stuff.

Quote #6

"And you cast it on my child as a reproach! You scorn to mingle the blood of the Heywards with one so degraded—lovely and virtuous though she be?" fiercely demanded the jealous parent. (16.29)

Munro is peeved because he thinks the reason Heyward doesn't like Cora is that she's a quarter African-American. Munro is getting all Papa Bear here, standing up for his lovely daughter (and probably getting offended on behalf of her biracial mother, as well).