Last of the Mohicans Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Wisdom is sometimes given to the young, as well as to the old," he said; "and what you have spoken is wise, not to call it by a better word." (8.46)

Here Hawkeye acknowledges Cora's wisdom. He also states that wisdom is inherent, rather than learned. In Hawkeye's view, you can be young and wise… or you can be an old, well-read professor and still be totally foolish.

Quote #5

"What call you the volume?" said David, misconceiving the other's meaning.

"'Tis open before your eyes," returned the scout; "and he who owns it is not a niggard of its use. I have heard it said that there are men who read in books to convince themselves there is a God. I know not but man may so deform his works in the settlement, as to leave that which is so clear in the wilderness a matter of doubt among traders and priests. " (12.25-12.26)

In other words, nature and the forest have taught Hawkeye everything he cares to know. He scoffs at David's book learnin' because, from his point of view, it's totally impractical.

Quote #6

"There goes Uncas!" said the scout; "the boy bears a smart piece! I know its crack, as well as a father knows the language of his child, for I carried the gun myself until a better offered." 19.30)

Here is yet another exhibition of Hawkeye's frontier skillz. His senses are super-powered: he can tell what gun has been fired by the sound it makes as it's fired.