Book 2, Chapter 29 Summary

A Plea in the Marshalsea

  • Arthur's depression worsens. He has panic attacks and anxiety.
  • Then, a week later, he falls ill and mildly hallucinates through his fever.
  • That morning, he wakes up to find... Little Dorrit!
  • Dressed in her old Marshalsea dress, she's been cleaning up his rooms, taking care of him, feeding him, and sewing him some curtains. Aw, just like with dear old dad.
  • Amy says that she's back in London for good, and that she came as soon as she heard he was in prison.
  • Amy has come back with Tip in order to take over Dorrit's property. Amy offers Arthur all of her inheritance to get him out of jail and set him up again.
  • (Oh, and check out this cool thing – the way she offers him the money sounds a lot like a marriage proposal. Which – a woman asking a man to marry her – is way, way progressive back then!)
  • Arthur feels guilty and ashamed and says no.
  • Also, he tells her to please visit less often, since the Marshalsea is such a gross place.
  • Finally, she leaves.
  • A few hours later John Chivery comes to tell Arthur that he took Amy back to the hotel to make sure she got there safe.
  • Also, she had a message for Arthur: she sent him all her undying love.