Lolita Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It had become gradually clear to my conventional Lolita during our singular and bestial cohabitation that even the most miserable of family lives was better than the parody of incest, which, in the long run, was the best I could offer the waif. (2.32.6)

Humbert acknowledges the depth of his depravity. Interesting that he sees it as the only option he had. Do we believe that he believes this nonsense?

Quote #8

All at once I noticed that from the lawn I had mown a golden-skinned, brown-haired nymphet of nine or ten, in white shorts, was looking at me with wild fascination in her large blue-black eyes. (2.33.3)

Returning one last time to the old Haze home, Humbert sees a nymphet. Has he changed at all?

Quote #9

"She was my child, Quilty." (2.35.25)

Humbert's long-awaited encounter with his nemesis. Should we be surprised that he plays the dad card? Why does he use this approach?