A Long Way from Chicago Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

You had to study hard to see any expression at all, but it was a look I was coming to know. She appeared pretty satisfied at the way things had turned out. And she'd returned law and order to the town she claimed she didn't give two hoots about. (2.234)

Grandma Dowdel pretends that everyone in town annoys her and that she could do fine without any of them around, but she totally cares about keeping the community safe and sound. She just doesn't like to be called out on it.

Quote #5

"O.B. Dickerson, the sheriff," she said, "and them drunk skunks with him is the entire business community of the town."

Mary Alice gasped. The drawers on some of the business community were riding mighty low. "They're not acting right," she said, very prim. (3.75-76)

Grandma Dowdel and the kids aren't too impressed when they see all the "distinguished" men from town drunk and acting silly. These are the guys that are supposed to be the guardians of the town? What a joke.

Quote #6

"What did she pay you, Grandma?"

"Pay? She didn't pay me a plug nickel. But she fed me." I thought about that.

"And now you feed her," I said, but Grandma didn't reply. (3.113-115)

It doesn't matter that Aunt Puss never paid Grandma Dowdel for her work. She took Grandma in when she really needed it, and now Grandma Dowdel is going to take care of Aunt Puss—to make sure that she doesn't starve.