A Long Way from Chicago Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Vandalia. You've got her. She didn't come home last night, and she ain't at work today. She was seen comin' in this house. That girl done brought her." Miz Eubanks poked a finger in Mary Alice's face, which was frozen with fear. (5.100)

Again, Vandalia isn't an old family friend or anything…but Grandma Dowdel, Joey, and Mary Alice are still willing to risk their necks for her. She needs people who'll stand in her corner.

Quote #5

But she wasn't there to meet us. She was seeing somebody off. A lady was climbing up into the car behind ours. We caught only a squint in the dazzling light, but knew the hat. It was Mrs. Effie Wilcox. With a powerful arm, Grandma swung Mrs. Wilcox's bulging valise aboard, then a picnic hamper. (6.2)

When Effie Wilcox is kicked out of her home because she can't make payments, Grandma Dowdel is the one who sees her off at the station…even though the two women have had their disagreements in the past.

Quote #6

"She's Grandma's worst enemy. She says Mrs. Wilcox's tongue is attached in the middle and flaps at both ends. The town'll be quieter without her, and Grandma will like that."

"You don't know anything," Mary Alice said. "Men don't have any idea about women." (6.11-12)

Joey has assumed that Grandma Dowdel hates Mrs. Wilcox, but Mary Alice sets him straight. He just doesn't get how female friendships work, and especially has no clue about the relationship between Grandma and Mrs. Wilcox.