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Exploration Quotes
But, when he was thirty, he had become restless and began to disappear for days into the Amazon, trekking through the jungle. (2.10)
Foreignness and the Other Quotes
In the 1970s, Claudio Villas Boas, who was one of the great defenders of Amazonian Indians, told a reporter, "This is the jungle and to kill a deformed child—to abandon the man without family—c...
Man and the Natural World Quotes
In such a brutal landscape, [Betty Meggers of the Smithsonian Institute] and other scientists contend, only small nomadic tribes could survive. (3.8)
Visions of the Amazon Quotes
Yet each expedition that had tried to find El Dorado ended in disaster. […] Some four thousand men died during that expedition alone, of starvation and disease and at the hands of Indians defendi...
Spirituality Quotes
For a moment during the late nineteenth century, Blavatsky, who claimed to be psychic, seemed on the threshold of founding a lasting religious movement. (4.28)
Family Quotes
He was married with two children. (2.10)
Ambition Quotes
Fawcett, however, was certain that the Amazon contained a fabulous kingdom, and he was not another soldier of fortune or a crackpot. (1.10)
Strength and Skill Quotes
He soon entered grueling adventure contests: once, he hiked for seventy-two hours without sleep and traversed a canyon by shimmying across a rope. (2.10)