The Lottery
The Banality of the LotteryThe lottery's like the 800-pound gorilla of symbols. It's massive. It's strong. You can't really miss it, because it's in the dang title.The genius of the symbol of the l...
The Black Box
The black box is a physical manifestation of the villagers' connection to the warped tradition of the lottery. Jackson is pretty explicit on this point, when the subject of replacing the box comes...
The Three-Legged Stool
Triple ThreatWe're going to hand the mic over to critic Helen Nebeker, who argues that the three legs of the stool are like the three aspects of the Christian Trinity (God the Father, God the Son,...
The Stones
Stone ColdAs Bob Dylan once sang, "everybody must get stoned."There's a reason that Jackson landed on death-by-stoning: a crowd-generated death. In other words, stones allow everyone in the