Love After Love Love Quotes

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Quote #4

… whom you ignored
for another (10-11)

Who is this “another” the speaker mentions? We just don’t get any other info. Our best guess? It’s a by-now-ex-girl- or boyfriend. Haven’t we all been in, or witnessed, a relationship where one person totally abandons themselves and focuses on someone else? That’s never a healthy thing to do. Luckily, this poem is here to pick “you” up and dust you off after making that mistake.

Quote #5

[…] who knows you by heart, (11)

Who knows you better than you, right? You practically hang out with yourself 24-7, which is why you know yourself “by heart.” If anyone can find something about you to love, then, it’s got to be you.

Quote #6

Take down the love letters (12)

Does anything say “bad break-up” more than holding on to a bunch of old love letters? We know it’s harsh (and hard), but you have got to get those things to the recycling bin right this very minute. (Hey, just because your love life takes a hit doesn’t mean you can pollute the environment.) The only way to move on, to start to love yourself, is to rid yourself of the reminders of past loves gone wrong.