Love After Love Transformation Quotes

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Quote #4

peel your own image from the mirror. (14)

This is an odd turn of phrase, but it cuts to the very heart of the poem’s plea for transformation. In order to fully change, you must reject the old “you”—ignored and unloved—and love the new you. It all starts with “peel[ing]” that old you off the mirror, chucking that old way of thinking in the trash.

Quote #5

Sit. Feast on your life. (15)

Mmm, feast… We’ve already talked about the religious elements to this food-associated transformation (see our “Shout-Outs” section for more). Another point to make here is that this change requires stillness. You must be able to truly reflect on your life in order to change it. The good news? All the reflection is like a tasty meal. So look back and dig in.