Love in the Time of Cholera Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Florentino Ariza, on the other hand, had not stopped thinking of her for a single moment since Fermina Daza had rejected him out of hand after a long and troubled love affair fifty-one years, nine months, and four days ago.  (2.1)

Florentino's loyalty to Fermina seems extreme to the point of obsession. 

Quote #5

"Be that as it may, I cannot answer without knowing what she thinks.  It would be a betrayal."  (2.84)

Though Lorenzo Daza insists that the question of Fermina's romantic attachments "is a matter for men," Florentino seems to think she should have some say in the matter. 

Quote #6

She no longer thought of him as the impossible sweetheart but as the certain husband to whom she belonged heart and soul.  She felt the heavy weight of the time they had lost while she was away, she felt how hard it was to be alive and how much love she was going to need to love her man as God demanded.  (2.129)

The seventeen-year-old Fermina seems pretty sure about her love for Florentino in this passage.  As it turns out, though, that certainty will fade in the blink of an eye.