Love Medicine Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sometimes I escaped. I had to have relief. I went drinking and caught holy hell from Marie. After a few years the babies started walking around, but that only meant they needed shoes for their feet. I gave in. I put my nose against the wheel. I kept it there for many years and barely looked up to realize the world was going by, full of wonders and creatures, while I was getting old baling hay for white farmers. (7.1.31)

Here, Nector gives us his own perspective on the drinking habits that had so worried Marie. Apparently, he had gotten himself into trouble with alcohol for a while before finally settling down to appease Marie. Of course, he believes the tradeoff of being responsible was that he totally missed out on life.

Quote #8

She had seen me sitting all night by the door so he would not wander off in search of liquor. She had seen me ration him down, mixing his brandy with water, until he came clean. (8.1.75)

Marie is describing the way she helped wean Nector off of his alcohol abuse, with her daughter watching. Apparently, the process was intense.

Quote #9

Beneath her glowing heels men slouched, passing bags crimped back for bottlenecks. (9.1.13)

When Albertine ends up in Fargo with no money and no idea what she's doing, she wanders outside the bus station to find a giant neon cat with men drinking underneath it. Apparently, the reservation isn't the only place where you find people abusing alcohol.