Love Medicine Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

So I told her. "Well, the truth is," I said, "it's a kind of medicine."

"For what?"

"Love." (13.1.101-103)

Here, Lipsha is talking to Sister Mary, trying to get the hearts of two supermarket turkeys blessed so he can use it in his "love medicine" with his grandparents. However, he doesn't come out with the full details of what he's asking right away, so Sister Mary thinks he's asking for help with his own love life. Ha!

Quote #8

"Love medicine ain't what brings him back to you, Grandma. No, it's something else. He loved you over time and distance, but he went off so quick he never got the chance to tell you how he loves you, how he doesn't blame you, how he understands. It's true feeling, not no magic. No supermarket heart could have brung him back." (13.1.157).

Unfortunately, Lipsha's "love medicine" went wrong when Marie got irritated at Nector's refusal to swallow the turkey heart and smacked him on the back, causing him to choke. After Nector's death, Marie claimed that Nector had come back to visit her.

Quote #9

It's a sad world, though, when you can't get love right even after trying it as many times as I have. (15.1.11)

Lulu Lamartine refuses to apologize for her love of men, but here she is being just a little self-deprecating here about the fact that her love life, while busy, hasn't been entirely successful.