Marie (Lazarre) Kashpaw Timeline and Summary


Marie (Lazarre) Kashpaw Timeline and Summary

  • Marie Lazarre is a girl of nearly fourteen when she leaves the mission and, on her way down, runs into Nector Kashpaw.
  • Nector and Marie marry and start making babies. Marie also takes in several children in need along the way, including her niece June.
  • After an initially troubled relationship with her mother-in-law Rushes Bear, the two women eventually grow to respect and even like each other.
  • About twenty years after she and Nector first met, Nector resumes his romance with Lulu Nanapush and decides to leave Marie. However, when he can't find Lulu to tell her, he ends up going back to Marie.
  • Later, when Nector starts losing his memory, Marie moves with him to a retirement/nursing facility. After Nector's death, she befriends Lulu Nanapush.