Love Medicine Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Although she will not admit she has a scrap of Indian blood in her, there's no doubt in my mind she's got some Chippewa. (13.1.46)

Lipsha here reflects on the fact that Marie absolutely refuses to admit that she has Native American blood.

Quote #8

I never let the United States census in my door, even though they say it's good for Indians. Well, quote me. I say that every time they counted us they knew the precise number to get rid of. (15.1.28)

Lulu offers some biting commentary here on the United States government's treatment of Native Americans. Her perspective on census representation kind of matches Nector's view of the artistic representations of Native Americans: she believes that the government only wants to "represent" these individuals in order to kill them.

Quote #9

If we're going to measure land, let's measure right. Every foot and inch you're standing on, even if it's on top of the highest skyscraper, belongs to the Indians. That's the real truth of the matter. (15.1.29)

Continuing with her thoughts on the U.S. government's attitude toward Native Americans, Lulu announces that, if we're going to start doing accounting, everything really belongs to her people. We're going to guess the U.S. government doesn't want to hear that, however.