Love's Labour's Lost Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

God bless my ladies, are they all in love,
That every one her own hath garnishèd
With such bedecking ornaments of praise? (2.1.78-80)

None of the ladies admits love, but swoony and love-struck descriptions such as this one give them away.

Quote #5

If my observation, which very seldom lies,
By the heart's still rhetoric disclosèd wi' th' eyes,
Deceive me not now, Navarre is infected. (2.1.240-242)

Boyet sniffs out the King's love for the Princess of France. It was common in Elizabethan poetry to describe love as a sickness.

Quote #6

And I forsooth in love! I that have been love's whip (4.3.184)

Berowne is shocked that even he – usually so skeptical – is vulnerable to love.