Lucy: A Novel Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Mariah] had too much of everything, and so she longed to have less; less, she was sure, would bring her happiness. To me it was a laugh and a relief to observe the unhappiness that too much can bring; I had been so used to observing the results of too little (4.3).

Uh-huh, having too many nice things sure sounds like a drag. How, exactly, might having too much make you unhappy?

Quote #5

I understood that I was inventing myself, and that I was doing this more in the way of a painter than in the way of a scientist [. . .] I did not have position, I did not have money at my disposal. I had memory, I had anger, I had despair (5.4)

So despair might not be so bad, after all? Lucy seems to see it as a pretty useful resource for artistically shaping who she is.

Quote #6

I noticed how hard and cold and shut up tight the ground was. I noticed this because I used to wish it would just open up and take me in, I felt so bad. If I dropped dead from despair as I was crossing the street, I would just have to lie there in the cold (5.12).

Wow, Lucy is just a ray of sunshine, isn't she? Maybe her next job should be at Disneyworld.