Lucy: A Novel Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was a cold goodbye on [Mariah's] part. Her voice and her face were stony. She did not hug me. I did not take any of this personally; someday we would be friends again (5.16).

Why do you think that Lucy's so confident that she and Mariah will be buds again someday?

Quote #8

It was Peggy who had found the apartment. We were then still best friends. We had nothing in common except that we felt at ease in each other's company. From the moment we met we recognized in each other the same restlessness, the same dissatisfaction with our surroundings, the same skin-doesn't-fit-ness. That was as far as it went (5.18).

Misery loves company. . .for awhile. Maybe a shared feeling of discontent just isn't enough to sustain a satisfying friendship.

Quote #9

Friendship is a simple thing, and yet complicated; friendship is on the surface, something natural, something taken for granted, and yet underneath one could find worlds (5.31).

Hmm, very cryptic. What does Lucy mean when she says of friendship that "underneath one could find worlds?"