Lucy: A Novel Lust Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was feeling that I was made up only of good things when suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten to protect myself, something Mariah had told me over and over that I must remember to do (3.22).

Not to get all preachy or anything, but it's probably a good thing for all the kids watching out there that Lucy's failure to take precautions isn't totally without consequences. That would turn this novel from plain old fiction to pure fantasy.

Quote #5

[Peggy and I] were so disappointed that we went back to my room and smoked marijuana and kissed each other until we were exhausted and fell asleep. Her tongue was narrow and pointed and soft (3.36).

Lucy doesn't spend any time or energy dwelling on whether hooking up with her pal Peggy means that she's gay or bisexual. But that's not too surprising considering Lucy seems much more concerned with pleasure than with labels.

Quote #6

I said, "How are you?" in a small, proper voice, the voice of the girl my mother had hoped I would be: clean, virginal, beyond reproach. But I felt the opposite of that, for when [Paul] held my hand and kissed me on the cheek, I felt instantly deliciously strange; I wanted to be naked in a bed with him (4.15).

Hmm, could a desire to rebel against her strict mother have a little something to do with Lucy's lively libido?