Lucy: A Novel Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Mariah] said, "I am going to ask Lewis to leave." She looked at me with concern on her face; she put out a hand to me, offering me support. But I was fine. I would not have married a man like Lewis (4.36).

Hmm, that is a little weird. Why is Mariah so concerned with Lucy's reaction to the breakup of her marriage?

Quote #8

In the letter I asked my mother how she could have married a man who would die and leave her in debt even for his own burial (4.48).

What, did Lucy think her mom had psychic powers or something? In any case, her mother's experience suggests that marriage can come with some surprises, right up to the bitter end.

Quote #9

[Mariah] said they were getting a divorce; she said the children were in a state of confusion and she was worried about their well-being; she said she felt free. I meant to tell her not to bank on this "free" feeling, that it would vanish like a magic trick [. . .] (4.50).

Way to rain on the divorce parade. Why does Lucy believe that Mariah's feeling of freedom is bound to disappear?