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Aqua Cola and Mother's Milk

Aqua Cola and Mother's Milk

What makes Immortan Joe so stinkin' evil?

We think it's this: he treats everyone and everything in his life as a commodity. People aren't people: they're breeders or battle fodder, or yes—even milk factories. And water—a precious, life-giving resource—isn't water: it's Aqua Cola.

Yes, that's right. Immortan Joe has taken control of the only water to be found in the Wasteland, branded it, and trades it as if it's something that everyone in the world—right down to the Wretched—should have access to. By calling water Aqua Cola, he makes it into something he created—something he can sell. Basically, he profits by taking advantage of an ecological crisis. Which has happened, oh, about a zillion times throughout history.

Same goes for mother's milk. Immortan Joe keeps a whole crew of women captive in order to harvest their breast milk and use it for sustenance for him and his closest. Essentially, these women are slaves, used only for their bodies' ability to produce milk, which he also commodifies, and then trades with Gas Town and the Bullet Farm.

See, here's the thing: Immortan Joe's commodification of things like water and breast milk is bad enough on its own. But he uses that commodification to gain and exert power over just about everyone else around him. He has made water and breast milk into things only he controls—just as he has transformed the bodies of his subjects into, well, objects. His power is absolute—and absolutely corrupt.