Main Street Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Main Street? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where does Carol go with Erik Valbourg to be alone?

Her bedroom
The town saloon
The bookstore
Q. Who does Carol feel a romantic attraction to before Erik Valbourg?

Mrs. Bogart
Sam Clark
Guy Pollock
Ezra Stowbody
Q. What's Carol's big ambition before marrying Will Kennicott?

Cure cancer
Feed the hungry in Africa
Bring change to a small town
Become a fashion designer
Q. When does Carol first have serious doubts about living in Gopher Prairie?

When she sees it from the train
When she meets Guy Pollock
When she gets rotten meat from the butcher
When she finds out there's not indoor plumbing
Q. What's the name of the ladies' bridge club that annoys Carol?

The Marry Melodies
The Jolly Seventeen
The Ladybugs
The Moonstones