A Mango-Shaped Space Character Quotes
MoreA Mango-Shaped Space Character Quotes
Mia Winchell Quotes
Our thirteen-year-old heroine loves to paint, hates math, and would rather be barefoot at all times. Oh, and did we mention that she sees colors whenever she hears sounds or reads? Because she does...
Jenna Davis Quotes
Even though they've been best friends since, well, forever, Mia and Jenna still have a few smack-downs in the book. Jenna gets pretty upset with Mia for not sharing her synesthesia with her—after...
Mr. and Mrs. Winchell (Mia's Parents) Quotes
Loving, supportive, and a little quirky, Mia's parents help keep Mia grounded when she is ready to fly off into her color-filled world alone. They take her to doctor's appointments, make her finish...
Dr. Jerry Weiss Quotes
We love ourselves a professor with a big heart, and Dr. Jerry Weiss fit the bill perfectly. When Mia first meets him, she thinks: He reminds me of a movie star, but I can't think of which one. Righ...
Roger Carson Quotes
Nothing makes a character more sympathetic than first encountering them in the moment their dog dies. And this is exactly when we meet Roger. But it's not just the fact that Roger's dog has to be p...