Marty Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Marty.

Quote #4

MARTY: That's one of the most beautiful things I have in my life, the way my father and mother were. And my father was a real ugly man. So it doesn't matter if you look like a gorilla. So you see, dogs like us, we ain't such dogs as we think we are.

See if you can separate out the different kinds of beauty Marty is referring to here.

Quote #5

MARTY: I'll borrow my brother Freddie's car, or you can call me up when you feel blue, or I'll call you up. And it's gonna be nice. Don't be so afraid.

For Marty, loneliness is just about the worst thing he can imagine. Does it seem like that's also true for Clara?

Quote #6

MARTY: I like you. I like you. I been telling you all night, I like you. [...] I just wanna kiss, that's all.

When polite romance turns to the physical? That's where things get a little sticky.