Mary Poppins Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mary Poppins.

Quote #10

JANE: Mary Poppins, don't you love us?

MARY: And what would happen to me, may I ask, if I loved all the children I said goodbye to?

Mary Poppins didn't really come to make the children get attached to her. She actually came to make Mr. Banks become a better dad and connect with his kids on a personal level. Now that her job's done, she has no reason to stick around—even if she really is emotionally attached.

Quote #11

UMBRELLA: Look at them! You know, they think more of their father than they do of you!

MARY: That's as it should be.

Mary's basically saying, "mission accomplished" to her talking umbrella. She didn't really come to make the kids realize how cool it is to venture inside illustrations and fly by laughing—she came to make their father realize that he needed to connect with his kids the way Mary was connecting with him. She gave Mr. Banks emotional tools he didn't have before.

Quote #12

UMBRELLA: Is that so? Well, I'll tell you one thing, Mary Poppins: you don't fool me a bit!

MARY: Oh, really?

UMBRELLA: Yes, really. I know exactly how you feel about these children, and if you think I'm going to keep my mouth shut any longer, I'll...

MARY: That will be quite enough of that, thank you.

Mary Poppins retains her classically British stiff upper lip. Sure, she actually loves Michael and Jane but, having restored the Banks family to harmony, she's got to keep on keepin' on, wherever the wind takes her.