Matilda Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

For some reason everyone now looked at the Trunchbull. The woman's face had turned white as snow and her mouth was opening and shutting like a halibut out of water and giving out a series of strangled gasps. (20.45)

It's nice to see the Trunchbull get a taste of her own medicine, isn't it? The Trunchbull is scared of what she thinks is the ghost of Magnus, her brother-in-law (who, as a refresher, Miss Honey thinks was murdered by the Trunchbull). The ghost is calling the Trunchbull by her first name. It's pretty scary. How does it compare, though, to all the scary things the Trunchbull has done to other people and how she has made them feel? Is it enough to get her back?