Mean Girls Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mean Girls.

Quote #4

KAREN: You wanna do something fun? You wanna go to Taco Bell?

REGINA: I can't go to Taco Bell. I'm on an all-carb diet. God, Karen. You are so stupid!

GRETCHEN: Regina, wait. Talk to me.

Regina runs out of the room. Gretchen follows her.

REGINA: Nobody understands me.

GRETCHEN: I understand you.

This exchange, where Gretchen literally follows Regina out of the room, does a tidy job of summing up their relationship. Gretchen will follow Regina to the ends of the earth to get her approval.

Quote #5

CADY (V-O): I had learned to control everyone around me.

She taps Aaron on the shoulder.

CADY: Hey. I'm having a small get-together at my house tomorrow night.

AARON: Is Regina going?

CADY: No. Do you think I'm an idiot? No, it's just gonna be a few cool people, and you better be one of them, biotch.

AARON: Fine, I'll go.

CADY: Shut up. I love that shirt on you.

Yeesh. Cady's turned into a clone of Regina at this point, not just because she's using obnoxious expressions like "biotch" and "shut up," but because, by her own admission, she's learned to control everyone around her.

Quote #6

REGINA: She think she's gonna have a party and not invite me? Who does she think she is?

SHANE: You're right, hon.

REGINA: I, like, invented her, you know what I mean?

This is as close as we get to Regina admitting the extent of her power—and her intent to manipulate people—in the movie. She thinks she deserves for Cady's personality, popularity, everything. She's like North Shore's Dr. Frankenstein but with more expensive shoes.