Memento Theme of Life, Consciousness, and Existence

It's time to put on your Kevlar vests (or just stuff pillows under your shirt) because we're about to get into the hard hitting question of Memento; the kind that make you question your very own purpose and existence on this earth.

Does not remembering something mean it didn't happen? Does not remembering yourself mean you don't exist? Does life only exist in the here and now? Can you really trust anyone… including yourself?

These are the kind of questions that Memento brings to the forefront. This movie ain't for the faint of heart… or brain.

Questions about Life, Consciousness, and Existence

  1. The world may still be there when Leonard closes his eyes, but what about when he loses his memory? Are continuity and a sense of time and accumulation necessary to exist?
  2. What defines Leonard's existence? Is it revenge like he says? Is it his condition? Could it be the people around him who are using him and controlling him?
  3. What can we learn about consciousness from Leonard's unique condition? Is Leonard simply unable to access these memories he's created or do you think the memories were never made in the first place?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Leonard is right; his actions do have meaning. He has avenged his wife. Even though he doesn't remember it John G. is still a dead and justice has been served.

Leonard is wrong; his actions are meaningless. His vengeance is important only to him. His wife's dead and John G.'s death is simply a murder… and is irrelevant because he doesn't remember it.