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The Merchant of Venice Portia Quotes


Quote 2

What, no more?
Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond.
Double six thousand, and then treble that,
Before a friend of this description
For never shall you lie by Portia's side
With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold
To pay the petty debt twenty times over: (3.2.311-314, 318-320)

When Portia hears that Shylock is trying to collect a pound of flesh from her new man's BFF, she offers to pay off "the petty debt twenty times over." We notice a couple of things here. First, Portia is very wealthy. Second, she's incredibly generous and values human relationships more than wealth (as opposed to, say, Shylock, who goes around complaining that his servant eats too much).  


Quote 3

There are some shrewd contents in yond same
That steals the color from Bassanio's cheek.
Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world
Could turn so much the constitution
Of any constant man. (3.2.252-257)

Portia's love is going to be in competition with Antonio's friendship. Still, this thought shows that Portia understands the importance of a bosom buddy. She knows she's not the only one in Bassanio's life, even if she is going to be his wife.