The Metamorphosis Mrs. Samsa Quotes

Mrs. Samsa > Mr. Samsa

Quote 4

His mother, incidentally, began relatively soon to want to visit Gregor, but his father and his sister at first held her back with reasonable arguments to which Gregor listened very attentively and of which he whole-heartedly approved. But later she had to be restrained by force […] and cried out, "Let me go to Gregor, he is my unfortunate boy! Don't you understand that I have to go to him?" (2.19)

In contrast to Mr. Samsa, Mrs. Samsa seems to maintain her love for Gregor. She even defends Gregor when she thinks that Mr. Samsa is about to kill him (see Quote #8 under "Morality and Ethics"). But despite her maternal feelings, Mrs. Samsa is still unable to stomach the sight of Gregor.