Philinte Timeline and Summary


Philinte Timeline and Summary

  • We meet Philinte arguing with his BFF Alceste. It quickly becomes clear that he is the reasonable one in this pairing.
  • Oronte comes along and tries to be friends with Alceste. Good guy that he is, Philinte finds something to praise.
  • The two buddies head over to Célimène's where Alceste is all angry.
  • Philinte sits back and watches the drama.
  • He and Éliante talk about how Célimène and friends always gossip about everyone. Um…hypocrisy, much?
  • Alceste heads down to the station about the whole Oronte affair. and Philinte goes with him for moral support.
  • When that is all over, he and Éliante talk (again) about what happened, and he confesses his love. Aww.
  • Just then Alceste barges in and wants to start going out with Éliante, but that doesn't last long. As soon as he sees Célimène, he's all in love with her again.
  • When they get back, everyone is there and Philinte watches Célimène get revealed as a hussy.
  • When it is all over, Éliante and Philinte get together. Yay!
  • Then they run after Alceste, who has decided to become a hermit.