Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Misanthrope.
Love Quotes
How is it that the traits you most abhor
Are bearable in this lady you adore?
Are you so blind with love that you can't find them?
Or do you contrive, in her case, not to mind them? (1...
Friendship Quotes
Since you embrace this indiscriminate vice,
Your friendship comes at far too cheap a price;
I spurn the easy tribute of a heart
Which will not set the worthy man apart:
I choose, Sir, t...
Hypocrisy Quotes
I call your conduct inexcusable, Sir,
And every man of honor will concur.
I see you almost hug a man to death,
Exclaim for joy until you're out of breath,
And supplement these loving de...
Power Quotes
The low-brow's grown so powerful and rich,
And risen to a rank so bright and high
That virtue can but blush, and merit sigh. (1.1.135)
Lies and Deceit Quotes
Others have praised my sonnet to the skies.
I lack their art of telling pleasant lies. (1.2.186)
Society and Class Quotes
When someone greets us with a show of pleasure,
It's but polite to give him equal measure,
Return his love the best that we know how,
And trade him offer for offer, vow for vow. (1.1.38)
Justice and Judgment Quotes
Notice how tolerant people choose to be
Toward that bold rascal who's at law with me.
His social polish can't conceal his nature (1.1.129 )