
Check out these links about Defoe's life, put together by the Luminarium site. There's so much info here, you could spend days exploring.

One of the many hats Defoe wore was that of travel writer. On this site, you can take a virtual trip through England with Defoe. Just look out for the men in Colchester. We hear they're trouble.
Movie or TV Productions

Amorous? Well that's putting things lightly. From 1965, this version stars Kim Novak of Hitchcock fame, and Angela Lansbury.

This version was made in 1975 by the BBC, which seems to have adapted just about every British novel there is.

This 1996 film adaption of the book, starring Robin Wright and Morgan Freeman takes some serious liberties with the story. Looks like Moll has come up with yet another identity.

Guess who plays Moll's Lancashire man in this 1996 miniseries? None other than Daniel Craig. Catch a glimpse of Bond before he was Bond.
Historical Documents

It's a wonder the printers could even fit the whole title on one page in the first place.

Thanks to the British Library, we can see the places in the book as they might have appeared in Defoe's day and age. Jump in and imagine yourself there (in black and white, of course).

See what we mean about this one taking liberties with the story? We don't remember Morgan Freeman anywhere in Defoe's version.

Get ready for some awesomely inaccurate costume design, and watch Kim Novak do her best Moll in this clip from the 1965 movie.

See? We weren't joking around. And neither is Daniel Craig's wig.

A non-Shmooper takes a shot at discussion of the author and his creation.

This audiobook version of Moll Flanders is read by Heather Bell (the sample is free, but you have to shell out some cash for the full-length version).

Want to hear Moll in the car, on the treadmill, or even as you fall asleep? Now you can with this audiobook, published by Tantor Media, and read by Davina Porter.

Yep, musical. You have to admit that this rollicking romp was made to be put to music, and at this website, you can hear a song from the show, created by Paul Leigh and George Stiles.

Well now we know why Moll says she's so good looking. She's the spitting image of Kim Novak…

This wistful poster strikes a note quite different from the 1965 film version's.

A portrait of our author. Shmoop gives him the award for best hair ever. We dare you not to chuckle.