Moon Over Manifest Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And there was Jinx. I felt like I understood this boy who had lived life from one place to the next. (23.7)

Abilene feels a major connection to Jinx, even before she realizes he's her dad. After all, who else in town could understand a life like the one she has?

Quote #8

I was all middle. I'd always been between the last place and the next. (27.37)

Abilene feels this way—like she doesn't have a solid footing in any one place—but she does know where she came from, doesn't she? She knows her dad, and that places her square in the Tucker clan.

Quote #9

He thought he was still a jinx and, one way or another, my life could not be good with him. (39.27)

Abilene realizes that Finn's words are still stuck in her dad's head, and that's why he sent Abilene to Manifest. Why is Gideon's identity so wrapped up in his past? Why can't he get past it?