Moon Over Manifest Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Memories were like sunshine. They warmed you up and left a pleasant glow, but you couldn't hold them. (11.6)

Abilene can't remember whether or not her dad had said he'd come back for her. Why is it so hard for her to grasp onto this memory? Does she have trouble with other memories, too?

Quote #5

As much as I had a need to hear her story, she had a need to tell it. It was as if the story was the only balm that provided any comfort. (18.29)

Abilene realizes that Miss Sadie's story is helping them both. The worsening infection on Miss Sadie's leg affects her story-telling, but the story seems to make the pain better.

Quote #6

"If a person lived and breathed in a place, shouldn't he have left some kind of mark?" (20.12)

Abilene can't understand why there doesn't seem to be any trace of her dad anywhere in Manifest. The only actual, literal mark that Gideon left there was his name, written on the checkout card in Moby-Dick. Has Gideon successfully escaped his past? If so, what will happen when he has to face it again?