Moon Over Manifest Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

On occasion there might be an awkward encounter in the mercantile or the hardware store, in which members of one nationality might exchange a halted word of greeting with those of another. (22.20)

Are the different nationalities in Manifest all prejudiced against each other, or do they consider themselves equals who just don't associate with each other? How can you tell?

Quote #5

Some were regulars, unbeknownst to their wives, while others would normally sooner be caught dead than set foot across his threshold. (22.31)

What type of person would go to a saloon in a place where alcohol was illegal? Which townspeople do you think avoided it, and why? Do we get to know the characters of Moon Over Manifest well enough to know?

Quote #6

So anyone with means, including Burton, Devlin, and their lot, used the opportunity to take a holiday—elsewhere. (25.5)

Finally, the townspeople use the class divisions in their town to their advantage when they pretend to get sick. We wonder who came up with this part of the plan…