Mowing Resources


The Friends of Robert Frost

Here's the website of the caretakers of Frost's former home and current museum in South Shaftsbury, Vermont.

Frost Farm

This website details the writing and reading workshops at Frost's former farm in Derry, New Hampshire.

Robert Frost: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Take a look into the poet of the hour with yours truly.


Biographers Get Real

Here's a straightforward, if brief, look at Frost's life from Biography.

A Lecture You Don't Need a Pell Grant to Attend

Check out this free video lecture from Open Yale on Robert Frost.

Be Sure to Continue onto Part 2

This biographical film offers lots of interesting footage of Frost on his farm, as well as from various interviews. It reveals that Frost really was quite down to earth and amicable, even for such an important dude.


Oh, That Radio Voice

Robert Frost himself reads "Mowing," complete with that classic-sounding golden radio days accent.

All From Memory, Too

This is a recording of Robert Frost reciting his poem "The Gift Outright" at President John F. Kennedy's presidential inauguration ceremony. For the record, the last line was changed from "such as she would become" to "such that she will become" to reflect the hope of his presidential campaign.


The Man Himself

Here's one of the last portraits of Robert Frost.

Cover Guy

Frost graced the cover of Time Magazine on October 9, 1950.

Articles and Interviews

"Was Robert Frost a Modernist?"

Well, was he? This Slate article tackles the question.


Wow, That's a Lot of Books

Here's a link to Google's Robert Frost book ticker, because there are far too many to list individually.

Movies and TV

In the Pictures

Here's IMDB's page for all of the films written by Robert Frost or that have him in them.