Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

"We're going to take for a ride, Ratchett. Some time soon. We're going to GET you, see?" (1.6.85)

The notes sent to Ratchett suggest that his death was the result of revenge taken by the mob, but they were actually faked.

Quote #2

"How many wounds are there exactly?"

"I make it twelve. One or two are so light as to be practically scratches. On the other hand, at least three would be capable of causing death." (1.7.19-20)

The number twelve is a very important number for this novel. As Dr. Constantine reports, there are twelve wounds on Ratchett; there also happen to be twelve members on a jury. That seems to imply that this isn't a straightforward murder, but instead an attempt at a trial by jury. Apparently, Ratchett was found guilty.

Quote #3

"The question we have now to ask ourselves is this," he said. "Is this murder the work of some rival gang whom Cassetti had double-crossed in the past, or is it an act of private vengeance?" (1.18.20)

Poirot and his sidekicks must determine who is taking revenge on Ratchett. Are they dealing with killers who are also bad, or with people who are actually trying to do good?