My Heartbeat Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Before Link met James, my brother and I spent time together giving each other quiet company. I would watch him build model planes, cars, or ships. He might read me a story —skipping over the sections he deemed dull— or help me build a palace from an ancient set of building blocks. We didn't sit around chatting. It was only after James entered the picture that I heard Link talk a lot. Now I know that much too much was going unsaid, but without James around I would never have heard Link's opinions on movies, books, other people, or music. (8.2)

This struck us as a bit sad, really. It's perfectly fine to enjoy spending quiet time together, but it provides a glimpse into how isolating the McConnell household truly is: Ellen only heard all of those opinions being addressed to someone else.

Quote #11

I could talk about how I am at least six steps ahead of him when it comes to coping with the unwritten social laws about gay people. But I am reluctant to have a disagreement or, worse and more likely, an argument with my father. Even if he is clueless, I don't want to disappoint him. And anyway, the talk with Dad about gay people surely belongs more to my brother than to me.

It must be exhausting to constantly have to come up with reasons not to talk to somebody about something that is super important.

Quote #12

I could have— should have— guessed from Mom's furious, frightened eyes that she was getting ready to blame Dad for what Link has done. No doubt, Dad flew home with a similar intention. I see a much delayed fight taking place about their different ideas regarding my brother's life. I don't see anyone responding to whatever important information Link has put into his blank exams. I hope there will be no yelling involved. (13.11)

Everyone is ready to place the blame on someone else, and yet the hopes are still to avoid any conflict whatsoever. Link gave his family a wake-up call; it would be almost criminal to not use this opportunity to finally say the things that need to be said. So why is Ellen so afraid of yelling?