My Heartbeat Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I asked Link what was the point of not letting someone love me. You know, someone who would let me love him. Could he give me one good reason not to go out with this guy? And your brother said, 'You have Ellen. Ellen loves you.'"

Oof, that was a bit unfair of Link. How does Ellen's love negate James's ability to date other people? Should he be held accountable for her schoolgirl crush? Was Ellen just a stand-in for himself when he says that?

Quote #8

When I am with James, I feel way more drunk from the kissing than I felt from the Sambuca I had that night. I am reckless with affection. Physical affection. As if I can make up for what my brother would not offer. As if I could kiss away any unhappy moment James has ever had. James says he will not sleep with me. Not, repeat, not. It is too soon. We have moved really fast, he says, because of the unusual way we became friends. He will not take advantage of that. Not with me. This is what he says. It is not always what he does, and I stay in my fog of kissing and touching. Of not kissing and not touching. (10.50)

Ellen is a bit starved for affection, so we can't blame her for unleashing the floodgates. We also can't blame James for feeling like he needs to pump the breaks a little bit.

Quote #9

As if James will let Link back without irrevocably forcing every issue under the sun. But he might. I don't know what it would mean for me, but I don't want to be with James if he'd rather have Link. Not true: I want to be with James no matter whom he loves more. Except that I would feel yucky, I would feel second best being with James if he wanted Link back. If they can deal with each other, they should have a fresh chance to choose. (14.27)

These are really mature thoughts for Ellen to have, especially when she's in the throes of new love. No one wants to be second best, and she's brave to volunteer to back down if Link had decided he was ready to restart their relationship.