My Life in Dog Years Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In January of 1980 I was running a seventy-five-mile line, trapping beaver. […] I was alone when I made a mistake that nearly killed me. (1.7)

Paulsen often paints himself as a bumbling amateur, but in this instance, he makes a near-fatal mistake.

Quote #2

The truth is I shouldn't have lived. I have had several friends killed in just this manner—dropping through the ice while running dogs—and there wasn't much of a chance for me. (1.14)

Be careful out there, beaver trappers. Shmoop wants you to live. It's interesting that Paulsen begins his book with a story about almost dying. Does it affect how you read the rest of the book?

Quote #3

I would have died if not for Cookie. (1.16)

Not only did this scary experience make Paulsen appreciate Cookie forever, but it seemed to make him appreciate life more, too.