My Life in Dog Years Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Then the rope tightened. There was a large noose-knot on the end and it tightened and started pulling up and when the knot hit I grabbed and held and the dogs pulled me out of the hole and back up onto the ice. (1.15)

Paulsen's work dogs were very good at sledding…and also at saving human lives. Just another day's work. Sled dogs need to be fast and strong, but Cookie had special skills—she was very alert and very protective of Paulsen.

Quote #2

I would have died if not for Cookie. She saw me drop, instantly analyzed the situation, got the team up—she must have jerked them to their feet—got them pulling, and they pulled me out. (1.16-1.17)

In a book filled with awesome dog feats, Cookie's quick thinking and heroic pulling are especially awesome.

Quote #3

The gun had a long barrel and a full choke, and with number four shot seemed to reach out forever. I never became really good with it, but could hit now and then when the ducks were flying at the right angle. (3.7)

In sharp contrast to his extremely skillful dogs, the author often describes himself as unskilled or inept.