My Name is Asher Lev Resources


The Jewish Virtual Library

This website has a great biography of Chaim Potok, plus just about everything else you'd ever want to know about Jewish religion, history, and culture.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Virtual Library

If you really want to geek out about art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art has an amazing timeline of art throughout the ages. The European art timeline is the one that's most relevant to Asher's life and world.

Movie or TV Productions

My Name is Asher Lev: The Play

"My Name Is Asher Lev" is an off-broadway play based on the book. The play was written by playwright Aaron Posner. The adaptation is pretty loyal to the book, too.

Articles and Interviews

Review of "The Gift of Asher Lev"

Incredibly enough, My Name Is Asher Lev has a sequel: it's called The Gift of Asher Lev and it's about Asher as a middle aged man.


More Theatrical Productions of My Name Is Asher Lev

Because we all know that essay can wait.

"The Chosen"

Here's the movie trailer for The Chosen, a film based on another book by Chaim Potok about the friendship between two Jewish boys (one very religious, one not so much), in the 1940s.


Chaim Potok Interview

Here's an interview Chaim Potok gave in the dark ages (i.e. 1985) about his life, his writing, and his novel, Davita's Harp, which is about discrimination against women within the Jewish community.


Chaim Potok being all scholarly

Autographs on autographs.

The Piazza del Duomo in Florence, Italy

This snazzy-lookin' place is in Florence, Italy.

Picasso's Guernica

How many faces can you find?

The Pietà

Michelangelo's masterpiece in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City.

An artist's rendition of Brooklyn Crucifixion I

Feast your eyes on this.