The Mysteries of Udolpho Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

His fears had often since appeared to her prophetic—now they seemed confirmed. (2.5.109)

As we've mentioned, it doesn't take a lot for Em to pass judgment on someone. Valancourt's warnings that Montoni is bad are more than enough for her imagination to kick into overdrive.

Quote #5

[…] Montoni consented to secrete him for a few days till the vigilance of justice should relax, and then to assist him in quitting Venice. (2.6.20)

When Montoni gets mixed up in Orsino's nonsense, he basically brings the book of the law down on himself. As they say, choose your friends wisely…

Quote #6

"And is he come to Udolpho? He does well to endeavour to conceal himself." (2.12.9)

When Em learns that Orsino has arrived at Udolpho, her worst suspicions about Montoni are confirmed. Udolpho is the furthest reaches from the law.