The Mysteries of Udolpho Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

How happened it, that her remains were never found? (2.7.107)

The absence of Signora Laurentini's body opens up a whole bunch of speculations about the living and dead. Is her spirit at rest?

Quote #5

"Not till you speak reasonably, Annette; for Heaven's sake, explain your meaning. You spoke of murder!" (2.9.12)

Annette may be silly, but she prompts Em to think of mortality in a different way. In Annette's world, it's all about murder and the macabre.

Quote #6

"For Annette," said he, "if you go to Carlo, he will release the girl; the foolish fellow, who shut her up, died yesterday." Emily shuddered. (2.11.7)

For a totally opposite view of death and dying, check out Montoni. Death is so commonplace for him that he doesn't even consider the impact of his words.