The Mysteries of Udolpho Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

When they reached the court, the monk gave her his blessing, and, after a lingering look of pity, turned away to the portal […] (3.5.6)

We don't see too many outsiders looking into Udolpho, but this is one such instance. The monk can clearly tell that that Emily's under duress.

Quote #8

Unwilling to encounter the coarse behavior of the peasant's wife, she remained supperless in her room, while she wept again over her forlorn and perilous situation […] (3.7.11)

Shmoopers, the girl's not in Antarctica. She's in Tuscany, land of sun and fun! Has she never seen Under the Tuscan Sun?

Quote #9

"I am myself a prisoner, a sufferer, like you." (3.9.17)

Du Pont is trying to endear himself to Emily by finding common ground. Dude, you put yourself in the dungeon just to be near Em.