The Mysteries of Udolpho The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] the pall moved again, and, in the next moment, the apparition of a human countenance rose above it. (4.4.31)

Shades of Ghostbusters! We would have been out of there when the pall moved the first time.

Quote #8

[…] they all assembled in the hall, and related stories of ghosts, till they feared to look around the room; started, if the echo of a closing door murmured along the passage, and refused to go singly to any part of the castle. (4.5.2)

Who doesn't love a good ghost story? Radcliffe may be gently poking fun at all of us, with our covers up to our chins and superstitions. It's hard to be productive when ghosts are lurking behind every door.

Quote #9

To prevent detection they had tried to have it believed, that the chateau was haunted […] (4.14.23)

At last, someone smart enough to play up the supernatural angle for gain. It's not like we didn't think of it ourselves.